Chapter News

PCMA PNW Chapter Program April 11th in Spokane, WA – REGISTRATION IS OPEN

Listen LOUDER than you Speak

What do to when you struggle with people not paying attention to you or your message? Or do you have to repeat yourself multiple times? First, understand the three conversational levels each requiring a different level of trust: Level I – Transactional, requires no trust, and where executives spend 90% of their day. Level II – Positional, requires minimal trust, and where sales people spend 70% of their day. And Level III – Transformational, requires full trust, yet many never get here. From this starting point, learn to build or rebuild trust, and more effective conversations for better relationships, teams, and organizations.
Activity: Evaluate the amount of time you spend in each Level of Conversation in an average day; and practice attempting to stay in a Level III convo.


1) Gain insight into how your brain and body work for and against you in all interactions
2) Learn and distinguish the three conversational levels
3) Recognize the necessity of trust and safety in every conversation

Donica YoungPCMA PNW Chapter Program April 11th in Spokane, WA – REGISTRATION IS OPEN